Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sruli, Madly, Deeply.

Sruli Recht was "made to measure" in Isreal in 1979. A nomadic life has deposited him in Reykjavik where he now designs non products. Or is he playing? As he considers design "a contact sport".
Whatever he is doing, it has got Mr. Hare excited. This stuff is crazy but I like it.

When I can't distinguish between men's or women's then something magic has happened which defy's convention. Which is a good thing because convention is the death of progress.
And as we know, progress is inevitable. Only those who fear death would attempt to stand in the way of progress. 
These are called "Nurse boots" and they are available from Bblessing.
Thank you Mr. Recht. Mr. Hare salutes you.

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