Friday, November 21, 2008

Cultural musings of a shoe man

What a cultural morning Mr. Hare has had. Firstly I was looking at the work of one Mr. Alexander Fielden on the recommendation of Mr. Sruli Recht. I thoroughly recommend you 
take a look too.
'Off the hooks' by Alexander Fielden

He is a structural genius whose shoe work knows no boundaries where materials and constructions are concerned. I only wish I could read Dutch so I could find out more about him.

So then I stumble upon The Virtual Shoe Museum which is a contemporary collection of the work of shoe designers and Artists. Some fantastic, all worth looking at.

The workboots of Ralph Fleck

From there I discovered the 'Shoes or No Shoes?' museum located in Kruishoutem, Belgium.
The Museum houses the largest, according to the Guiness book of records, ethnic shoe collection in the world. But what really interested Mr. Hare was a collection of 1200 shoes belonging to artists. These were shoes that artists had lived and worked in and had now donated as art pieces to this exhibition. Marvellous!

I am off for a walk across the heath now.

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