Kilian Martin is taking freestyle skating to a new place.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Me and You...No we ain't the same !!
Kilian Martin is taking freestyle skating to a new place.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
I am at Liberty to divulge...

The Questioner ...Steve Salter
Join them both for a fireside chat and cocktails as they tackle such weighty shoe subjects as Blake construction in wet climates, the new male sartorialism, shoe styling and the relevance of shoe classicism in a modern world. In fact any question you have for Mr. Hare on shoes or any other subject for that matter, will be welcomed.
The Questionee...Mr. (Marc) Hare
This evening will also feature the first public viewing of the forthcoming Mr. Hare SS11 collection ‘Ain’t No App For That’. It will be the first public unveiling of new styles on the cubist Jopling last as well as other work and collaborations scheduled for the near future. Attendees will also be granted the one off opportunity to pre-order styles from that collection, from the man himself, at a 15% discount.
“I am very excited by the opportunity to meet and discuss shoes with real shoe people in what I consider to be one of the realest shoe environments in retail today. I have often said that if that was not a shoe shop, I should like to live there.”
Mr. Hare.
So…just to recap. Shoes, chat, cocktails, fireplace, discount, new stuff, questions, answers, Stevie Salvage, Mr. Hare in person and last but not least, you guys !!
Mr. Hare Q&A at Liberty’s
Hosted by Steve Salter –
At Liberty’s Men’s shoe department in the basement
Friday 26th November
5pm – 7pm
Did I mention the free cocktails?
For further information please contact
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
Well Awesome
Thursday, November 11, 2010
A word from Tony Starks...
Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Nov 19 - Jan 22.
Her last exhibition, Descent in 2009 was one of my highlights of that year.